Welcome to SantaMonicaTaiChi.com / ChineseHealing.org!

This website is dedicated to the Internal Martial Arts classes and Chinese healing exercise practices as taught by Sifu Mark Cheng in Santa Monica, California, during his weekend intensive classes.

WHERE: Clover Park's northeast corner, on the south side of Ocean Park Boulevard, between 25th and 28th Streets. Click on the map link below to see exactly where Clover Park is!

[ Yahoo! Maps ]
Map of 2701 Ocean Park Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405-5200

WHEN: Saturday mornings, starting at 8am. Ending times vary depending on your skill level.

For the actual class dates and times, please check the SantaMonicaTaiChi Yahoo! Group calendar

Sifu Cheng demonstrating the Yang style Tai-Chi "grasp sparrow's tail" posture

WHAT: The instruction generally revolves around the following methods:

Yang style Tai-Chi108 long form,
Chinese Shi-san Tai-bao Shuai-Chiao yoga,
Chi Kung (qigong) energetic training,
Yang style Tai-Chi straight sword (jian) form & swordsmanship drills,
push hands sensitivity and relaxation development drills,
self-defense applications, Hsing Jing (Grandmaster Chang Tung-Sheng's Hsing-I / Xingyi derivative)
and occasionally Russian Kettlebell training*.

There will be information about each of these styles and their training methods coming in the next few weeks!

While we certainly don't cover all of these topics each time, there is certainly a smorgasbord of information that Sifu exposes us to each week - from simplified push hands drills to joint locks and throws to sword form applications. Members of our SantaMonicaTaiChi Yahoo Group can even see ahead of time what topics we will cover in the second half of class in the calendar section!

A self-defense application of the "Single Whip" posture

WHO: Anyone is welcome to join, regardless of level of experience, age, or fitness level, as long as they do not have a medical condition preventing them from participation in these training methods. Before beginning ANY new exercise regimen, please consult your physician.
Also, please read and re-read the rules of the class, as they are not open to discussion or compromise. As Sifu shares his precious time and skills with us, it is only fitting that Sifu be accorded the respect and appreciation he deserves!

HOW: To join us, simply read the class rules, posted at www.chung-hua.com/rules.html carefully, and then drop Sifu Cheng an e-mail, stating your intention to observe or join. Newcomers are required to observe a class before participating in the next class session. Once you join the class, you are required to abide by the rules in toto.

FEES: The current fee schedule is posted as a PDF file in the members section of the santamonicataichi Yahoo Group. You can also speak to a senior student or Sifu at the end of class about the fees.

STAYING INFORMED: If you'd like to be kept informed about classes, special events, and time changes, please join our Yahoo Group by clicking on the link below. All of Sifu's students are STRONGLY encouraged to join this group so as to facilitate communication. For active students, this is a requirement! For people just looking around for more information on Tai-Chi or Chi Kung, please visit www.chung-hua.com.

Click here to join santamonicataichi
Click to join santamonicataichi

* Kettlebell group training is now predominately conducted separately on Sunday mornings at 7am at the beach, the Inosanto Academy classes, and through private & semi-private training. Detailed information is posted on www.kettlebellslosangeles.com.

Just click on the picture below!

Sifu demonstrating the Turkish get-up exercise at the Russian Kettlebell Challenge instructors camp

Please visit the Kettlebells Los Angeles site to find out more about this radical method of powerful fitness training, connective tissue and joint rehabilitation, and strength & conditioning.


last updated 4/2/07

"This site will be undergoing extensive renovation on a continual basis, so please bear with us as our look and feel evolves in the coming months. We'll be featuring more content about each of the arts and sciences we teach, as well as more images, links, video clips and recommended reading. Thank you for your patience."
- Webmaster